Our Services

Specialist agriculture PR is what we do.

Strategic Communications

We work with agribusinesses to determine what they need to say and how they need to say it. Our communications strategies support business objectives and help to refine company values.

Media Relations

Our extensive and award-winning media experience allows us to write media releases, features and articles we know will gain traction. This is supported by our strong working relationships with key journalists across agricultural and mainstream media.

Issues & Crisis Management

We help businesses monitor and foresee issues and prepare pre-emptive crisis plans. Should disaster strike, we provide expert advice and executive coaching on how to manage media and responses.

Content Creation

We develop bespoke content that will resonate with the audiences you want to reach and reflect who you are as a business. This includes thought leadership and opinion, newsletters, features articles, blogs and case studies.

Video & Podcast Production

We create videos and podcasts to tell your story in an engaging and shareable way, while capturing the faces and voices of your brand. Our journalism and broadcast background ensures professional quality.

Social & Digital

We know how to use social media to both promote your brand and connect you with the agricultural or consumer community. We’re firm believers in the power of social to allow a business to broadcast its content to the world.

Professional Writing

We develop written marketing and corporate materials such as annual reports, white papers, speeches and brochures that reflect your brand values and communicate the unique qualities of your agribusiness.

Media Training

Using our award-winning journalism skills we help you understand how the media works, what to expect in interviews and how to prepare. We’re on-hand to coach you for the media appearances you want to get right.

Event Support

We help draw attention to your event to maximise media coverage and boost attendance. We invite media to attend, manage them on site, and collect our own content for use in promotional materials and social media.